Sunday, October 30, 2022
Executor has a fiduciary duty #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Executor has a fiduciary duty #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Be better than that estate plan #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Be better than that estate plan #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Beneficiary designations are NOT an estate plan #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Beneficiary designations are NOT an estate plan #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Inheritance for an adopted child #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Inheritance for an adopted child #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
My brother received a bigger inheritance than me #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: My brother received a bigger inheritance than me #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Friday, October 28, 2022
Do not give your kids your house #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Do not give your kids your house #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Thursday, October 27, 2022
You don’t deserve an inheritance #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: You don’t deserve an inheritance #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
What if I’m on the bank account and mom dies? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: What if I’m on the bank account and mom dies? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Don’t leave an inheritance outright two kids #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Don’t leave an inheritance outright two kids #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Don’t leave cash inheritance to an adult child #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Don’t leave cash inheritance to an adult child #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Adult child does not want an inheritance outright. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Adult child does not want an inheritance outright. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
You don’t deserve an inheritance #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: You don’t deserve an inheritance #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
My brother received a bigger inheritance than me. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: My brother received a bigger inheritance than me. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Monday, October 24, 2022
Problems, when no estate plan. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Problems, when no estate plan. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Dad’s girlfriend’s inheritance. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Dad’s girlfriend’s inheritance. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Enjoy your money while you are living. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Enjoy your money while you are living. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Power of attorney ends at death #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Power of attorney ends at death #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Handwritten Last Will and real estate #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Handwritten Last Will and real estate #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Revocable living, trust for second and third marriages #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Revocable living, trust for second and third marriages #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Tenant in an estate’s real property #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Tenant in an estate’s real property #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Estate planning for second marriages #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Estate planning for second marriages #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Monday, October 17, 2022
Probate debts of married couples #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Probate debts of married couples #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Mom said estate would be equal #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Mom said estate would be equal #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Who is in charge of you are incapacitated? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Who is in charge of you are incapacitated? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Fail to update your estate plan #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Fail to update your estate plan #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
My name is on Mom’s checking account #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: My name is on Mom’s checking account #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Estate Planning for second, third and fourth marriages #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Estate Planning for second, third and fourth marriages #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Saturday, October 15, 2022
What happens when you inherit a house with someone living it? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: What happens when you inherit a house with someone living it? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Communication is key to avoid probate fights #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Communication is key to avoid probate fights #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Remember your family and friends in your estate plan #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Remember your family and friends in your estate plan #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Friday, October 14, 2022
Do you have to itemize what is in a trust? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Do you have to itemize what is in a trust? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
When is an executor’s job finished? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: When is an executor’s job finished? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Where do you get an estate plan? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Where do you get an estate plan? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
What if I am an only child do I still get to mom’s house? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: What if I am an only child do I still get to mom’s house? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Executor has a fiduciary duty. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Executor has a fiduciary duty. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Biggest Estate Planning mistake #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Biggest Estate Planning mistake #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Failing to add your spouse to property deed. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Failing to add your spouse to property deed. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Does it matter How a house is titled if I get remarried, and then die? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Does it matter How a house is titled if I get remarried, and then die? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Fighting over a personal items in an estate #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Fighting over a personal items in an estate #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
How long does an estate plan take? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: How long does an estate plan take? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Mom’s will is very detailed and states who gets her house. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Mom’s will is very detailed and states who gets her house. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Our children guaranteed inheritance from their parents #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Our children guaranteed inheritance from their parents #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
What happens to the house if mom remarries? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: What happens to the house if mom remarries? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Power of attorney in effective after death. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Power of attorney in effective after death. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Can I write a check from my dead parents bank account? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Can I write a check from my dead parents bank account? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
What does executor of a will mean? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: What does executor of a will mean? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Monday, October 10, 2022
What happens when the power of attorney days? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: What happens when the power of attorney days? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Why not to put your last will and testament in a safe deposit box? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Why not to put your last will and testament in a safe deposit box? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Best place to keep your last will, and testament? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Best place to keep your last will, and testament? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Where is mom’s last will and testament? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Where is mom’s last will and testament? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Avoid real estate and probate. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Avoid real estate and probate. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Real estate must usually always go through the probate process. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Real estate must usually always go through the probate process. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
A last will and testament still must be probated. #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: A last will and testament still must be probated. #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Power of Attorney dies with You! #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Power of Attorney dies with You! #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Cost of a Trust vs a Last Will & Testament #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Cost of a Trust vs a Last Will & Testament #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Biggest mistake with a revocable trust #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Biggest mistake with a revocable trust #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Happy Saturday estate planning #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Happy Saturday estate planning #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Friday, October 7, 2022
Review your estate plan annually #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Review your estate plan annually #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Deceased, brother, is your beneficiary #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Deceased, brother, is your beneficiary #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
How can you restate cost up to $10,000 more? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: How can you restate cost up to $10,000 more? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Biggest estate planning mistake #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Biggest estate planning mistake #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Trust Funding Lawyer Services Offered by Cortes Law Firm
Cortes Law Firm, which is based in Oklahoma City, OK, has explained the role of a trust funding lawyer in a recent blog post. Trust funding is an important step in the establishment of a trust fund. It involves the transfer of ownership of assets that are titled in the name of the settlor or in joint names with others. The settlor is the trustor, trust maker, or grantor, which is the person who creates a trust. The Cortes Law Firm Trust Funding Lawyer helps in retitling the assets into the name of the living trust of the settlor. This may involve naming the trust as the primary or secondary beneficiary of those assets that have no designated beneficiaries.
It is important to note that these rules are only applicable to a revocable living trust and not with an irrevocable trust. The settlor doesn’t have the right to take the role of a trustee for an irrevocable trust and can’t take assets back after they have already been funded into the irrecovable trust.
The funding of a revocable living trust will make sure that the assets of the settlor is governed by the terms of the trust agreement. This ensures that the chosen successor trustee will be able to manage the assets held in the name of the trust in case the settler is incapacitated. What this means is that the successor trustee will then have the right to transfer the accounts held in the name of the trust to the final beneficiaries that have been stated in the trust agreement in case the settlor has passed away.
The trustmaker cannot just sign the trust agreement and expect that the revocable living trust will do its work according to their preferences. It is vital for the settlor to fund their assets into the trust after signing the agreement. If not, the trust will be useless. Funding a trust means the settlor transfers property to the trust. And the way this will work will be dependent on the kind of asset being transferred. Titled property, such as a car, motorcycle, boat, or airplane, will need a new title that is in the name of the living trust to allow the transfer. Untitled property, such as collectibles and jewelry, can be transferred by simply signing a dated document that is known as “assignment of property” that indicates the trust as the owner. Untitled property can usually be listed in an ownership document as “furniture” or “electronics” but these will need to be listed individually if the items being transferred are valuable items, such as art of jewelry.
Other assets that may be funded into a revocable living trust include: bank accounts; certificates of deposit; securities; real estate; business interests; and life insurance, health savings accounts, retirement accounts, and medical savings accounts. Note that for real property, the city or county may have some additional paperwork required to legally transfer the ownership to the trust.
Started in 2013 by Attorney Steve Cortes, Cortes Law Firm offers probate and estate planning services for people, corporations, and entrepreneurs in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas. Steve Cortes has been providing legal services for estate planning for a wide range of clients for 22+ years. Steve Cortes says, “As part of the estate planning process, we prepare documents for clients and work to educate them on the importance of titling assets to ensure their estate planning documents work the way they intend. This includes your Health Care Power of Attorney and HIPAA Authorization. Our goal is to make this process as accessible, efficient and streamlined as possible so that individuals are more motivated to develop and complete their plan, and families do not have to deal with the fallout from a lack of planning.”
To know more about the services of a Trust Funding Lawyer, people can visit the Cortes Law Firm website, call them on the phone, or contact them through email. They are open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, from Monday to Friday.
Source: Trust Funding Lawyer Services Offered by Cortes Law Firm
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Protect from Guardianship scam #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Protect from Guardianship scam #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Annual report on the guardianship #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Annual report on the guardianship #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Do you have a plan for incapacity? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Do you have a plan for incapacity? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Can a guardian do whatever they want? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Can a guardian do whatever they want? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Being a guardian is a difficult job #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Being a guardian is a difficult job #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Monday, October 3, 2022
Inheritance fight over advancement in inheritance #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Inheritance fight over advancement in inheritance #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Update your insurance beneficiary designations #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Update your insurance beneficiary designations #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Why would you want to avoid probate? #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Why would you want to avoid probate? #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Estate planning for minor children #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Estate planning for minor children #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Give inheritance during your lifetime #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Give inheritance during your lifetime #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Cortes law firm estate planning #shorts
Watch on YouTube here: Cortes law firm estate planning #shorts
Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Watch on YouTube here: Midwest City Oklahoma Consequence of No Probate Originally published by Cortes Law Firm
Probate Process Probate is a legal process that can be long and complicated. This article will discuss some of the things you need to consid...
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